(NaturalHealth365) Flame retardant soda sounds like it was inspired by a mad scientist using their colorful imaginations. But, that’s exactly what United States citizens are drinking – with every glass of soda. And, here’s the worst part, it’s all legally approved by government health agency designed to protect our health!
Banned (toxic) substances legally fed to every soda lover
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is one of the “food” items which has been banned in more that 100 countries because of its dangers to human health. The U.S. is not one of the countries, in fact the FDA has approved it for use in certain soft drinks.
The composition of brominated vegetable oil includes the element of bromine, the vapors of bromine are considered corrosive and toxic. In fact, it is a poison in no uncertain terms, and is used for light-sensitive photographic printing papers; as an additive to gasoline; agricultural fumigants and as a flame retardant.
And, get this, BVO was banned by the FDA for usage in sedatives, because it was found to trigger psychiatric disorders. You can’t make this stuff up!
Brominated flame retardants are coming under scrutiny now that research has shown they build up in the body over time, it shows up in breast milk and gets stored in the body’s fat cells. It was designed to slow the spread of flames and is added to foam, upholstered furniture and children’s products – including sleep wear.
How could any government “health” agency approve of toxic chemicals in our food supply?
It is considered the one-step solution to keep different kinds of oil based flavorings and citrus from separating into separate layers of oil. This may sound like sophisticated technology; however it is not a natural option. What it does is make all fat soluble flavors remain suspended.
If you hold a bottle of Mountain Dew to a light and you see it’s cloudy, this is what brominated vegetable oil does, it keeps the fruity flavor mixed in the drink – otherwise the flavoring would float to the surface. This additive is in citrus flavored drinks such as orange sodas, pineapple fizzy drinks and some of the sports drinks.
The FDA lists brominated vegetable oil as an additive which may harm health. BVO was pulled from the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list from flavor additives in 1970. It was allowed to be reinstated as “safe” when an industry group did some testing and petitioned the FDA to get BVO back in fruit-flavored beverages – as a stabilizer.
How human beings are slowly being killed by the food industry
It is hard to believe that bromine-containing products found their way into our food supply. Bromine competes with iodine and causes an iodine deficiency in the body which is known as “Brominated Thyroid”. Thyroid damage is just one of the problems it causes, it is a potential carcinogen, and is tied to heart and kidney diseases.
The simple tell-tail signs of bromine loading is headaches, fatigue, weigh-gain, skin rashes, behavior problems in children, depression, mental disorders and increased deposits of fat.
What it really is doing we may never know since this additive has been used for decades, and it is a challenge to separate symptoms that seem to plague the America public and pin it on just one of the circulating food additives. But, just so you know, hospitals report that binge soda drinkers need medical attention, for symptoms such as, memory loss, nerve disorders, and skin lesions which are all in line with problems that BVO causes.
Naturally, the debate goes on as the soda industry claims the additive is safe and critics say that BVO can be replaced with natural alternatives that are used in many sodas throughout Europe. What is holding up the change is the costs involved in reformulating the product, however that decision is at a cost of human life.
The soda industry legally sells banned ingredients : :: Natural Health 365 ::