Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lessons from the Gridiron

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Healthy Healing Habits September Newsletter
Recipe of the Month
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Lessons from the Gridiron
Deconstructing Cravings
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Acorn Squash with Porcini Mushroom Filling
Acorn Squash
Delightful Dinner Recipe

Prep Time 20 minutes
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Group Program
Interested in losing weight, having more energy, understanding how to read a label, find ways to cook healthier and doing it with the support of others just like you?  Starting in October I am hosting a 6 month GROUP program in the FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA area.  Class size is limited and filling up quickly!  Contact Me for more information.  
Issue: #6September/201

I love football!  I have been a football fan since my first game when I went to Cowboys Stadium at five years old. Football season is finally here and with that comes fall which is also my favorite time of year!  I love the crispness that enters the air and the flavors that come from the fall harvest.  I think football is a metaphor for many things in life and there are many lessons that can be taken from the gridiron. 

Lessons from the Gridiron
5 Lessons from the field
  1. You will always have someone blocking your path it is how you approach the resistance that matters.
  2. When you are the leader you have to know when to pass the ball or hold on tight and run.
  3. You will get knocked down many times in life, it doesn't matter how hard the hit was it only matters that you get up and try again knowing that next time the hit may be even harder.
  4. To score you can't let what happened last quarter affect you; you must look up the field into the future and plan your next strategy.
  5. You may WIN. You may LOSE. It is how your present yourself when not playing the game that people will remember much longer.

Deconstructing Cravings
Get your chocolate fix
The body is an amazing source of intelligence. It is always there for you, pumping blood, never skipping a heartbeat, digesting whatever food you put in it and maintaining homeostasis. Is this reliable, intelligent bio-computer making a mistake by craving ice cream or a hamburger or chocolate? Are cravings due to lack of will-power or discipline? I'd like to suggest that cravings are not a problem. They are critical pieces of information that tell you what your body needs.

The important thing is to understand why you crave what you crave. Perhaps your diet is too restrictive or devoid of essential nutrients. Perhaps you are living a lifestyle that is too boring or stressful. Your body tries to correct the imbalance by sending you a message: a craving. A craving for something sweet could mean you need more protein, more exercise, more water or more love in your life. The key to stopping the sugar craving is to understand and deliver what your body really needs.

No book or theory can tell you what to eat. Only awareness of your body and its needs can tell you. Of all the relationships in our lives, the one with our body is the most essential. It takes communication, love and time to cultivate a relationship with your body. As you learn to decipher and respond to your body's cravings, you will create a deep and lasting level of health and balance.

The next time you have a craving, treat it as a loving message from your body instead of a weakness. Try these tips to respond to your body: 
  • Have a glass of water and wait 10 minutes.
  • Eat a healthier version of what you crave. For example, if you crave sweets, try eating more fruit and sweet or root vegetables.
  • What is out of balance in your life? Is there something you need to express, or is something being repressed? What happened in your life just before you had this craving?
  • When you eat the food you are craving, enjoy it, taste it, savor it; notice its effect. Then you will become more aware and free to decide if you really want it next time.  

Do you need help deconstructing your cravings?  I can help you balance your life, have more energy, eat better and heal yourself with healthy habits.  Call me for a free consultation.

Melissa Binkey
Healthy Healing Habits

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Melissa Binkley Health Coaching | SE 10th Ave | Fort Lauderdale | FL | 33316

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