Friday, August 19, 2011


Blue Eagle Wavespell
16 - 28 August

create, vision, mind

Seal Eagle
: Eagle is the power to rise above an earthly level, to look down with wisdom and to act upon the way you would want the world to be. You can create a better world yourself to act with Vision and a higher consciousness.

Eagle Wavespell: During the Eagle Wavespell, your responsibilities may be pointed out to you. The more you try to escape from them, the more Eagle will fly after you and grab you with his strong claws. His action may seem rough, but didn't you see the web you were caught in? It is for your own good. Eagle asks you to fly with him and to take a look at your own life. See where you are and determine where you want to go. Take a little distance, take a good look and - if necessary - change your direction. It is possible that your memory is more efficient during these days and that you remember things you thought you had forgotten. Use these memories!

Wavemail content  adapted from For more information about the 13-moon Natural Time Calendar, visit  

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