Saturday, April 28, 2012

Having It Your Way

On April 25th I finished the Spring Green Clean.  This was a 10 day raw plant-based detox program I developed that you can have your way with amazing green smoothies and juicing.  The program included high levels of nutrition including only organic farm fresh fruits and vegetables, superfoods, cleansing herbs and spices, and relaxation techniques.   Objectives for this cleanse was to rejuvenate the body, break caffeine and sugar addictions, rid the body of toxins and chemicals and clear the skin.   This is the perfect spring renewal program that boosts your energy, revives your taste buds, and energizes your spirit and mind.

Palm of Hand Before Cleanse
Ankle Before Cleanse

One of the problems that has plagued me for about 8 years now is a skin condition that psoriasis and eczema that has gotten better over the years but still causes me issues.  I am trying once and for all to completely rid my body of this horrible affliction.  As my diet has become more natural and plant-centered I have noticed great improvements but unfortunately I still have some flare ups.  At the beginning of this cleanse I was in a typical flare up these pictures where taken on day 1 of the cleanse and show how my hand and ankle look during a typical day. The following pictures show the results on day ten 

Palm of Hand After Cleanse

Ankle After Cleanse
of the cleanse.  This is a great improvement and I know that for others with severe cases of  skin problems that prolonging the treatment would produce even more results.  My ankle still slightly itches but I'm not sure if that will ever go away unless I completely remove the tattoo.  Besides these amazing results for my skin, a wonderful side benefit for those looking to shed a few pounds of weight the average weight loss was anywhere from five to eleven pounds on the program.  I was not hungry due to the nutrient density of the foods being consumed.  I used some supplements while cleansing, some I have discussed in earlier blogs those that I have yet to mention include Ashwagandha and Neem, both ayurvedic herbs, Tumeric, Himilayan Salt, and Lemon Juice.  If you would like more information on my 10 day detox program, my one month Break Your Addiction Program, or 6 month Healthy for Life Program please visit my website Holistic Health Counseling, email me at or call 561-578-9492 to schedule your FREE consultation.

1 comment:

SLD said...

Hi, Melissa!

I have been suffering from psoriasis for years now. Finally someone led me to a book that is called, "Healing Psoriasis, The Natural Alternative." The author is John O.A. Pagano, D.C. In the book he discusses "nightshades." I found that when I avoid the foods on this list, I do much better. However, it's not easy as some of my favorite foods, such as tomato and hot peppers are on that list.